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AOC Admits Her Supporters Don’t Like Biden

In the toddler tone we’ve come to expect from the Bronx Bartender, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, exhorted her fans Saturday to vote for Joe Biden, even though they probably don’t like him (Joe being an evil white male and all).

She also previewed her court packing scheme, Nadler got there first, in case a Trump nominee wins confirmation and Biden is elected in November. But Ally, you’d have to take the Senate. And with Alabama and Kansas going red that’s not going to happen. Oh well, another Christmas without a pony.

AOC: “Our democracy is at a faint heartbeat; it was broken even before Trump. But so long as we can save lives, I believe we have an obligation to do so as we build a new world,” she titled her current Twitter video. The alternate title was, “I’m drunk on Boone’s Farm and my Trump voodoo doll won’t stop smiling.”


The kind of hungover looking ditz went on to say, “And after we work to command victory in November, I need folks to realize that there’s no going back to brunch…Voting for Joe Biden is not about whether you agree with him. It’s a vote to let our democracy live another day.” Oh, I see. Trump wins reelection and the Empire is established. Excellent. Can’t wait for the snazzy new uniforms.

The rumored newly single (“Hi, I’m Ally and I want to burn down Western civilization. Do you like romcoms?”) congresswoman told press if Republicans got a conservative justice through and Biden wins, “we should leave all options on the table, including the numbers of justices that are on the Supreme Court.”

“Let this moment radicalize you,” Ocasio-Cortez said over the weekend. “Let this moment really put everything into stark focus because this election has always been about the fight of and for our lives. And if anything, tonight is making that more clear to more people than ever before.”

Think you’ve heard enough adolescent twaddle? But wait, there’s more! “No president is the answer. You are the answer. Mass movements are the answer,” she said, channeling her warm and fuzzy Trotskyite side.

“We need to focus on voting for Joe Biden. I don’t care if you like him or not…It’s earth-shattering,” Ocasio-Cortez nattered on. “This kind of vacancy and this kind of tipping point is the difference between people having reproductive rights, and the government controlling people’s bodies for them…This kind of vacancy is the difference between us having health care and not. It’s the difference between us having a future and our climate or not, and the timing of this vacancy is extremely unsettling and scary to a lot of people.” Uh huh. The climate will dissolve the minute Trump is reelected. Though she has got one point. Some people should be scared if the president gets another high court pick confirmed. If Ally wants to know what kind of people they are, a mirror would do nicely.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on September 21, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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