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[VIDEO] Woman Throws Hot Coffee on Guy For Not Wearing a Mask, He Retaliates By Beating the Crap Outta Her Boyfriend 

If you look at the fine print on most mask boxes this is what you’ll see:

And of course, the experts told us that masks were basically pointless, and only worked to calm the fears of nervous nellies.


But Democrat and the fake news media have done a great “about-face” spin job on masks and turned them into the only thing standing between you and certain death.

Now, the already looney liberals are even more insane about masks and they have yet another something they can use to nag people.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Politics and TDS Have Ravaged Alyssa Milano….She’s Looking Really, Really Rough in Her Latest Video  [4]

But in many cases, the nagging is turning increasingly violent.

From Bizpacreview [5]

Last week in Manhattan Beach, an especially nasty Karen hurled hot coffee in the faces of two unmasked men who were sitting outside a coffee shop, prompting one of the men to jump up out of his seat and start pummeling her boyfriend.

The unmasked men had been sitting outside the shop minding their business when the couple approached them and began hassling them about them not wearing a mask.

“Ya’ll need to be wearing masks,” Karen said.

The two were congenial about the matter and tried politely explaining that they’re not into the whole mask thing.

“We’re locals here but we fall on the other side of the fence. We don’t believe in this stuff,” one of the two said, adding that he’d been a local business owner for 30 seconds.

As he spoke to the woman, the woman’s boyfriend got into it with his friend.

At some point, the friend yelled, “What are you looking at me for? I didn’t say s–t to you. Get the f–k out of my face!”

That was when the woman unleashed her inner Karen by hurling hot coffee at the friend.

You can watch the video below:


After the fight – that the liberal couple started and then escalated – they called the police.

But once the cops arrived, things went even more south for the nosy liberals.

The couple tries telling the cops that the man attacked them “unprovoked”  but his friend pulled out the video of the altercation and the police officer made the couple apologize to the men.

Ha ha ha ha!



This piece was written by Missy Crane on August 3, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [6] and is used by permission.