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[VIDEO] Man Murdered While Holding 6-Year-Old’s Hand in the Bronx…10 People Were Shot and Killed on Sunday in NYC

If you’re old enough, you’ll recall how bad New York City crime was back in the ’80s before Guiliani took over.

It was a cesspool. You couldn’t even imagine visiting NYC as a serious “tourist destination” because there were just so much crime and filth.

Guiliani came in and cleaned it up. He added an additional 7,000 police officers and his no-nonsense approach really changed things around for the Big Apple.

He was very aggressive policing lower-level crimes. In this view, small disorders lead to larger ones and perhaps even to crime. Guiliani believed that murder and graffiti were two vastly different crimes – but he also believed that they were part of the same continuum, and a climate that tolerates one is more likely to tolerate the other.

Well, all of that has changed now.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] NYC Criminals Are So Emboldened Under de Blasio, They’re Now Murdering People in Broad Daylight on Busy Streets  [1]

de Blasio is bringing New York back to the ’80s with his horrific style of governing where he protects criminals and berates police officers.

This is the second “broad daylight” murder I story I have done on NYC.

At first, I got confused and thought this was a different camera angle of the other story I did…But nope, this is a new murder on a busy street, in the afternoon, only this time the man was walking along and holding the hand of his 6-year-old daughter when he was brutally murdered.

You can watch the video below:


A staggering 10 people were shot and killed on Sunday in New York.

Crime is up 205% in NYC, after de Blasio began cutting parts of the police force…with more to come.

There won’t be anyone left alive in NYC by the time this lurching clown leaves office.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on July 6, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.