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[VIDEO] Here’s How Joe Biden Just Introduced Himself: “I’m Joe Biden’s Husband…Joe Biden”

In what can only be described as the cherry on the top of his Alzheimer’s cake, Joe Biden just introduced himself as his own husband.

I know, it sounds nutty, but that’s exactly what happened.

Biden, who was sounded like he was gurgling when he spoke, was almost impossible to understand. Not to mention the video was a jumbled technical and sound mess and the pillow behind him made it look as if he was wearing shoulder pads.

The whole thing was a disaster.

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He introduced himself by saying “Hi, I’m Joe Biden’s Husband….Joe Biden.”

And we’re supposed to believe this man is leading in every poll?

Please. After seeing this interview you know every single Democrat said, “We’re gonna need a bigger pandemic.”

You can watch the video below:


Honestly, this is just straight-up elder abuse and someone should step in and stop this torture.

Jill should be ashamed of herself.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on July 3, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.