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Pop Star Justin Bieber Accepts Christ Into His Life, Calls on His 140 Million Followers to Embrace Christianity

It does my heart good to see these megastars like Kanye West and Justin Bieber embrace Christianity and share their experience with their followers and fans.

It’s definitely a welcomed ray of sunshine in all of this gloom we’ve been dealing with lately.

I think at such a dark time in our country with so much hate, corruption, and, nihilism it’s only natural that people would start turning (or returning) to Jesus Christ for faith, comfort, and answers.

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That’s precisely what popstar Justin Bieber has done. Beiber was looking for ways to cope with a past that haunts him and feelings of shame and regret.

He turned to Christ and has found peace and comfort and is now urging his 140 million Instagram followers to do the same.

Wonderful! What a great message!

While so many celebs are preaching division, hate, and degeneracy, it’s beautiful to see someone like Justin Bieber accept Christ’s light and love into his life and want to share it with others.

We need this right now.

Here’s what he said on Instagram:

He wrote:

Thank you Jesus for my life. Thank you for your forgiveness! Thank you for showing me I am enough! Thank you that I no longer have to carry shame but can walk with my chest up and head held high knowing I am loved, chosen, and forgiven! If you struggle with your past give it to Jesus! He isn’t burdened by it! He loves you and is honored to know all of little details good and bad in your life! He isn’t angry with you, he wants the best for you!


From Breitbart [2]

The 26-year-old then reposted his selfie onto his Instagram Story with the caption: “Jesus loves you [whether] you believe it or not.”

Bieber has long touted Jesus as an inspiration in his life, helping him to overcome his past use of drugs and broken relationships. In February, he similarly opened up about his relationship with God in an interview with Zane, in which Grammy-winner discussed the “free gift” of accepting Jesus into one’s life.

“The way I look at my relationship with God and with Jesus is, I’m not trying to earn God’s love by doing good things,” the Grammy-winner said at the time. “God has already loved me for who I am before I did anything to earn and deserve it.”

Despite not being a highly political figure, Bieber’s views on sex and abortion have also been shaped by his Christian faith. In an interview with Rolling Stone in 2011, he argued that people should not have sex with someone unless you love them and set out his opposition to abortion, describing it as “like killing a baby.”

God Bless this kid. I truly hope he continues to embrace God’s love and spread his light.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on July 4, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.