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Will Moscow Save The West Bank From Annexation?

By Tsionizm Staff | June 7, 2020

The Palestinian leadership is looking to Russia for help resisting Israel’s annexation plans

Will Moscow Save The West Bank From Annexation?
Президент России Владимир Путин с Президентом Палестины Махмудом Аббасом
Image by Kremlin.ru [1]

Palestinian efforts against Israel’s plans to annex Palestinian territory are being exercised on three levels. Locally, Palestinians have severed all relations, including security coordination [2], with Israel and the United States. Regionally, Jordan [3]has been spearheading the Arab response [4] to the Israeli plan, including efforts by the only two Arab countries that have a peace plan with Israel: Jordan and Egypt.

On the international level, Palestinian energy has been largely focused on three members of the Middle East Quartet — the European Union, the United Nations and Russia. The focus is on these three instead of the Quartet as a whole, according to Palestinian Ambassador in Moscow Abdel Hafiz Nofel, because the remaning member of the Quartet — the Americans — have repeatedly derailed attempts by the others within the framework of the Quartet to provide a unified international position [5]

To read more visit Al-Monitor. [6]

This piece originally appeared on Tsionizm.com [9] and is used by permission.