- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

If You are Outraged Over Your Neighbor’s Child Being Murdered, Do You Go Out and Murder Someone Else’s Child? 

99.99% of Americans were sickened and infuriated over the video of a police officer with his knee on the neck of George Floyd, a black man who ended up dying in police custody. 

Rightly so, protests started in support of the arrest of the police officers involved, demanding justice for Floyd and changes in the police system. 

The protests, as they usually do when Black Lives Matter is involved, turned into an all-out excuse for rioting. Antifa and other anarchists also showed up along with looters looking to score some free stuff. 

Vandalism, theft, arson, assault, and murder soon followed because the mayors, governors and police were mostly standing down, allowing their cities to be overrun. 

Many of the businesses destroyed were black owned. 

No matter to the rioters. Irrelevant. 

Also resulting from the riots was the murder of black people. 

Also, no matter to the rioters. 

Because when they say black lives matter, there’s an asterisk at the end of that phrase. To the movement and the media, the only black lives that matter are those killed by white police officers. 

David Dorn, a retired black police captain, who was shot in the head while guarding his friend’s pawn shop doesn’t matter to “the cause.” 

He doesn’t further the narrative. He had a family but there will be no protests for his killing. 

Did they care that he was dedicated to disadvantaged youth and led a county program for young people interested in law enforcement careers? 


David Underwood doesn’t matter to them either. 

The psycho rioters don’t think twice about killing an innocent black man over the killing of an innocent black man. 

Makes sense, right? 

It makes about as much sense as going out and killing a child because someone murdered your neighbor’s child. 

The rioters are sick people with no regard for anyone else no matter what race they are. 

If you are a protester, you need to separate yourself from them. 

Record their criminal behavior and turn them in. 

Defend lives and property at risk when you are presented with the opportunity. 

At the very least, protest peacefully during the day. Don’t mix yourself in with the violent rioters at night just so you have something fun to do for the night with your iPhone. 

If you don’t start being part of the solution and not the problem, we will hold you just as accountable as the rioters. You are right there with them. 

Edmund Burke said something that directly pertains to you… 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 

That’s where you are right now. 

Choose which side you are on.