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Chelsea Clinton Tries a New “Crafty Ploy” to Slam Trump, But Like Usual, it Backfires in Her Face 

Oh, Chelsea, why do you still try attacking President Trump online?

She always falls flat on her face.

This poor girl is so out of her league when it comes to online trolling. No matter what she does, it always backfires.

So, this time around she decided to get more crafty and creative, thinking she could slam him on COVID if she just changed up her approach…But it didn’t work.

No matter what Chelsea says or does or how she says or does it, she always ends up with a dozen eggs splattered on her face.

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The younger Clinton took to Twitter where she tried to attack Trump over the COVID death toll.

You see, now that the riots are pretty much over, the Dems are back to pushing the pandemic fear.

Chelsea thought she was clever, by “wishing” Trump had crafted “Trump 2020” face masks so that “more lives could have been saved.” She even added “no sarcasm” to really make it seem she was being “sincere.” Oh please, who couldn’t see through this dumb ploy?

Boy, did she step in it with that tweet.

The online masses had a lot of fun dragging poor Chelsea around like a rag doll:

“It’s lots less deadly if you didn’t live in NYC, with Grandma Killer Cuomo.”

“Your parents killed more people”


“I really wish your Mom would of built Haitian homes instead of spending that money on your wedding. That would of saved lived.”

“Then all you perpetually offended lefties would all be complaining about how he’s making money off the people and turning the presidency into a business. Shouldn’t you be out sacrificing a goat or whatever you Clinton’s do for fun on the weekdays?”

“Think of all the lives that would have been saved had your mother never been born…”


“Covid is NOT a death sentence. You’re as sad as your mother, @HillaryClinton. No sarcasm, just facts!”

“Your mother eats children, so there’s that. How many young lives lost in Haiti alone? But hey, you had a helluva a wedding!”


“Would selling Trump 2020 masks have stopped Andrew Cuomo from sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes to kill off old people?”

“No sarcasm: Both of your parents are criminals.”

“Too late to save Vince Foster though.”

“Hati called they want their money”



Hopefully, this latest online-thrashing will humble and humiliate Chelsea enough she stops embarrassing herself by trying to attack Trump, or anyone, for that matter.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on June 30, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [14] and is used by permission.