- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Black Lives Matter Has Become a Full-Fledged Anti-Police Organization 

I’ve been watching the Black Lives Matter organization since it started during the Obama administration and it’s become pretty obvious that they only care about one specific group of black lives – those that are killed by police officers, especially white police officers. 

It’s unfortunate because there is a lot of good that the group could do if they could remain peaceful and if they supported ALL black lives and made that their objective. 

But they ignore black on black crime. 

They ignore the astronomical number of black babies killed by abortion. 

And they have ignored over the past week, the black police officers who were killed during the rioting and looting. 

There were no protest signs at the White House protest march over the weekend about the killing of black retired police captain David Dorn. 

There were no signs decrying the murder of black Federal Protective Service officer Dave Underwood either. 

Not a word about Dorn or Underwood was mentioned on the Black Lives Matter Facebook page. Not a tweet. 

Blue lives matter too. At the very least, they should to BLM if they were black police officers. 


Black Lives Matter was founded when George Zimmerman was acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Their website says that their mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on communities by state and vigilantes. The website also says they are working for a world where black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise. 

Apparently that doesn’t include black police officers because they haven’t denounced the murders of Dorn or Underwood. 

That’s because BLM is actually an anti-police group disguised as a pro-minority organization. This article [1]from back in 2016 shows that defunding or abolishing the police is their goal and it’s been a successful one when you see that their actions are able to convince police officers to retire early and others to not go into a law enforcement career at all. 

Appearing on the Fox News show “Justice” with Judge Jeanine on Saturday, ex-New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik told her that over 300 NY police officers have been injured during the rioting and that he’s hearing that close to 600 cops have either put in their papers or they’re talking to the department about resigning or retiring. 

Regardless of what BLM is preaching, defunding the police and having less of them will make the streets less safe for everyone, especially for the poor minority communities who will be easy targets of the criminals. 

Tens of thousands of protesters, not millions as the leftist press predicted, showed up in Washington DC [2] over the weekend in a mostly “defund the police” march. 

They had their signs… 

Blue lives murder. 

By any means necessary. 

F–k the police. 

No Justice, no peace. 

There were also lots of hats that said “Defund the Police.” They were bought by the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), a Black Lives Matter-affiliated organization who sent the masks all over the country. 

The group’s co-founder, Melina Abdullah, was recently with a group of BLM protesters [3]at the home of Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti, demanding that he defund the police. 

The democratic mayor, bowing down to the pressure of the mob, announced the next day that the city would reallocate $250 million from its budget, about $150 of it coming from the LAPD, to “invest in jobs, health, education and healing” in the black community in Los Angeles. 

The BLM and their supporters claim they want “alternatives” to policing. 

These geniuses obviously don’t care too much about having no police able to respond to property crimes, missing children, sexual assaults, shootings, car accidents, robberies, car jacking and other crimes and emergencies. 

As a result, a higher percentage of innocent black victims will not get the protection they need when there is no one to take their calls to 9-1-1. 

The usual leftist band of idiots, including John Legend, Jane Fonda and Natalie Portman, all signed a petition to urge local governments to redirect police funding to health care and other liberal initiatives they prefer over the police departments. 

These are elitists who, of course, have their own security, fences and walls to keep people off their property and keep themselves safe. But if YOU want to be safe, too bad. You get no second amendment rights and now they want to get rid of your police. 

Hillary Clinton’s press secretary also tweeted “defund the police.” 

Of course he did. The democrats want more chaos and more problems. It’s an election strategy. They create and support chaos and promise their ignorant followers that they will fix all of their problems even though they never have – and never intend to. 

The vilification of the police and support of the BLM is still alive in well in the democrat party just like their ingenious plans to abolish ICE. 

Things are going to get tricky for Biden [4]soon though. He hasn’t weighed in on the “defund the police” movement yet. What’s he going to do? Will he cave to the mob and promote lawlessness?