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[VIDEO] Black Man Tearfully Begs and Pleads With Young 16-Year-Old to Stop Rioting and “Find a Better Way”

I read the title of this tweet and decided to watch the video. I didn’t honestly think I’d be moved by it.

By the time I was halfway through, I was crying.

When people say to you “you could feel the raw emotion” they’re talking about this right here.

I’ll set it up for you:

A young guy in his early 30’s and another man in his mid 40’s were debating what was happening in the country with the death of George Floyd and the riots and the younger man argued that this (meaning the riots) wasn’t the way. That it didn’t work.

He then turned to a 16-year-old boy who was participating in the riots and he pleaded with him to stop, to not put himself on the “front line” like this. He said this way wasn’t working and tearfully begged the young man to “find a better way”

I can never convey to you with my words how powerful this was. You just have to watch and experience it for yourselves.

You can watch the video below:

This is the type of leadership and direction these young kids need right now.

I sincerely hope this young man heeds these words and does find a better way.

Please, pray for them.


This piece was written by Missy Crane on May 31, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.