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Twitter: LeBron James — “Why Doesn’t America Love US”

On Sunday, NBA basketball star LeBron James tweeted about why America doesn’t love “us.”

Be specific, Lebron. If you are asking if people as a whole wanted justice/answers for the death of George Floyd, there WAS overwhelming support.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] NBA Star Beats the Living Daylights Out of Rioter Who Vandalized His Car [1]

Are you asking why America doesn’t like rioters, looters, and arsonists? I ask you what kind of person would love such a collection of persons who are exploiting the death of a man by destroying thousands of innocent lives?

Maybe you should have finished school. Although you can throw a ball throw a hoop (which is a skill a trained seal can do), your general ignorance indicates your premise is entirely out of perspective.

It’s funny that Lebron can write all day to stir up the protesters. But where is he?

99% of this country is on Floyd’s side in this whole thing. I was listening to 760 WJR (a news station out of Detroit) the other day. They lean VERY right. Every call I heard was 100% in favor of Floyd. But hey LeBron/national media, why screw up a perfectly good narrative?

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Black Man Tearfully Begs and Pleads With Young 16-Year-Old to Stop Rioting and “Find a Better Way” [5]

The people that love LeBron will melt on his every word. Unfortunately, he’s causing a divide. The only way people will get to where they want to be is by working together. Most people were united about this situation at first, but unifying over the riots just won’t happen.

Nothing to see here. Just LeBron trying to get back in good with the woke after his misstep on China. Purely financial.

Go down to a public housing project and see why. Go to a brand new inner-city school a year after it opens and see why. Go to the movies and see and hear why. Have somebody talk to you while clapping on every single word and see why. Keep going?

Lebron diluted his platform when he stood for China and against freedom. He’s seen how Colin Kaepernick has made activism a profitable business as his football talents failed him and think there is money to be made or at least believes this stand won’t hurt his bottom line. If he were a real one and not a racist, he would have stood with Hong Kong protesters.

MORE NEWS: Chrissy Teigen Announces She Will Donate $200K to Bailout Rioters [6]

If you want more, society doesn’t care any longer, is because we are tired of the culture to whine and cry after the hearted liberal politicians have given every opportunity to the minorities to get ahead, only to have the minorities shed blame on them for their lack of compassion, empathy, and freebies.

All celebrities, musicians, and sports players are shown lots of love by the bank accounts they have from Americans that enjoy seeing them in movies, shows, and sports.

How can you ask why “America” hates you when it is just a small percentage that feels that way. Why lump everyone into that hate group. Aim your words to the ones that will never change or stop hating any minority.


This piece was written by Wayne Dupree on May 31, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [7] and is used by permission.