- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Somehow, as the Economy Started to Re-Open, We Had Less Deaths From COVID-19 

What about the pandemic armageddon? What about the fear mongering and models predicting death and destruction if states start letting people go back to work and lessen unconstitutional stay-at-home edicts? 

Somehow the opposite has happened and the result is that the United States had their lowest one- day rise in deaths from COVID-19 in a month recently.  [1]

On May 4th, there were 1,015 deaths in the United States as reported by Johns Hopkins University, the lowest one-day figure in a month. 

Don’t worry though. The media will continue to spin their panic and tell you about how bad the future will be even though we have the lowest mortality rate on the planet. 

No matter what happens in the real world, The New York Times and Washington Post will make sure everyone knows that they predict the date rate will double by June and their accompanying photos for the articles show workers in New York City burying caskets. 

And you can always count on Matt Drudge to come up with screaming end of the world headlines. Either someone else has taken over the website or he’s become addicted to the all mighty dollar and only cares about clicks. One of today’s headlines says “The Second Wave: How bad will it be as lockdowns ease?” Another says “Covid hits rural America hard.” Another says “New model predicts 350,000 deaths by end of June if all states fully reopen.” And then there’s the dreaded “America Has No Plan for the Worst-Case Scenario on COVID-19.” 

The liberal media is making money on website clicks and advertising. The pandemic is like having a plane crash or hurricane every day that they can report on to horrify and scare people. They also see the benefit of continuing the shut down to help take down the president. 

Even if the deaths got cut down to 100 a day, their stories would say, “The virus is still lurking” or they would focus more on those individuals who are dying so that we know all their names. They have a strategy to get rid of Trump and they won’t give it up. 

Pastor Franklin Graham tweeted recently, “In listening to the Democratic politicians and liberal media, it seems they’d like to see this shut-down drag out and further weaken the economy – not to save lives – but to try to use this to defeat President Trump in the election.”