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Biden’s “You Ain’t Black” Interview Exposed Democrats for Who They’ve Always Been 

I’ve always questioned why anyone, blacks in particular, keep voting democrat. They promise to fix thing but they never do. They never have any solutions to any problems and usually end up trying to bribe their voters with handouts. 

And yet, they keep getting voted into office over and over again because they are able to market themselves as the “caring” ones and go after Republicans for any budget cuts they make or any perceived slights to minorities. 

Nothing ever improves under democrat leadership – they don’t do anything to add jobs, they don’t decrease unemployment, they don’t give opportunities to anyone. 

That is especially true in the black community. The democrats do what they can to keep them in impoverished neighborhoods and in bad schools, with little opportunity to help themselves out of bad situations. 

The democrats really don’t care about improving anything. They just give lip service because they think they “own” the black vote and don’t have to work for it. 

In Biden’s recent interview [1]with black radio DJ Charlemagne the God on “The Breakfast Club”, all he did was speak the truth. He said “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” 

It’s what democrats think. It’s what they have always thought. It’s the opposite of reality but it’s what they think. I don’t believe they actually consider themselves the party that really supports minorities – but they know they are the party that is good at pretending they do. 

The fact that this “you ain’t black” remark came from a senile white guy in his late 70’s would usually send the democrats into a tizzy, but overall, even on Twitter, they defended Biden. If Trump had said what Biden did, liberals would have lost their minds saying that Trump is white and had no standing to even make the comment. Just like Rep. Demings did in reverse when Biden was called out by the Trump re-election campaign. 

Black democratic Rep. Val Demings (FL) decided to sell out her race for politics by turning the tables and making Trump look like the bad guy for his campaign calling Biden’s remarks “racist and dehumanizing.” 

She said that Trump wasn’t in the position to lob race-related attacks [2] and slammed the “gall and nerve” of Trump to try to capitalize on the issue. Yeah, right. It’s Trump’s fault that Biden is a racist and told everyone in America what the democrat party thinks of their their ownership of the black vote. 

The democrats continue to live in their “anyone but Trump” bubble and are unable to get out of it. You could literally put ANYONE, any murderer, anyone, in the democratic presidential candidate position and they would defend that person to the hilt through the election cycle against Trump. 

With a complicit media to help them, Biden’s real racism continues to be hidden and justified while Trump’s words are taken out of context and labeled as racism. 

In the media’s latest attempt to frame Trump as a racist [3], [3] we see that the leftist psychos are still trying to push the fake news story that Trump was the one who refused to unveil Obama’s portrait in the White House when it was Obama who said he wouldn’t be there as long as Trump is in office. 

And as the media pushes their fake news on the American public, they try to hide Biden’s racist comments like… 

– Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. 

– You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. 

– And who can forget Biden’s description of Barack Obama as the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” 

So I guess other black candidates weren’t bright, clean and articulate? 

The funny thing is how ignorant liberals are about their own candidates and how hateful against Trump they are because of the news media they watch. In this [4]entertaining example, students are told some racist quotes that Biden said and they are asked whether they think Biden or Trump said them. Most of them thought Trump said them and they were surprised when told it was Biden. Some of them actually admit that what Biden said was racist and maybe he’s not who he pretends to be. 

Biden, thinking his black support is all sewn up, even made a comment recently that he had the endorsement from the NAACP [5]but he does not. They said they do not endorse candidates for political office at any level. 

Biden’s assumptions and comments, in a normal world of real reporting, would have tanked his candidacy by now but the liberals keep propping him up no matter what he does or says. 

TDS is alive and well.