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[VIDEO] Certified NY Doctor Warns “We Are Treating The Wrong Disease & Doing More Wrong Than Good”

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell is an emergency medicine specialist in Brooklyn that treats a wide range of acute conditions or injuries in an emergency room. He has a warning that few are taking seriously but himself as he is on the frontlines in the “epicenter” of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak in America.

I am glad someone is thinking outside standard protocols when these protocols are not working as expected. Little is known to be exact, and learning more about the best approach is expected. Questioning the validity of common practices is noble when the expected results are producing adverse effects on the patient.

The fact that you’re willing to challenge the status quo and look for solutions is commendable and encouraging. Thanks for sharing your hands-on experience and providing information, and concerns, that could be lifesaving for some.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] New York Drone Barks Orders at Residents to Stay ‘6 Feet Apart’ [1]

“I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC. I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible. This supposed treatment is doing more wrong than good”

That would explain why some people report their love ones going into the hospital with mild flu-like type symptoms and “dying immediately” once they are put on ventilators. Another stat said 50% of people put on ventilators are dying.

One thing I learned over the past couple of weeks, is that Vitamin C generates hydrogen peroxide. Also, if you give 10 to 30 grams of ascorbic acid IV, the oxygen is released for tissue use when ascorbic acid becomes dehydroascorbic acid. This is why they used high dose vitamin C in the Shanghai plan.

RELATED: [VIDEO] Michigan Nurse Breaks Down After 13 Hours In COVID-19 Unit; ‘This Isn’t For Sympathy, This Is Traumatic’ [2]

There are many videos like this popping up. Videos of doctors and nurses saying that this is not what we’re being told that it is. You need to ask yourself why none of those videos have/will ever be shown, or those people are interviewed, on mainstream news media. If you see them at all, it will only be because they uploaded a video like this to the internet.

If none of the conspiracy talks existed, I would still 100% believe in the existence of a conspiracy right now, based solely on the actions and behavior of the government and media since this all began. The list of things that they HAVEN’T done tells a story of its own.

RELATED: [VIDEO] Chicago Nurse Quits Job; Claims Nurses Not Wearing Masks, Work Environment Not Protected! [3]

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, thank you for the brilliant yet straightforward analogies and assessment to the laymen and those related to your profession. I hope and pray; the information you provided will be a catalyst for finding a cure. Stay safe, and God bless.


This piece was written by Wayne Dupree on April 6, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [4] and is used by permission.

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