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Report: Trump Campaign Quietly Does Something Truly Wonderful for Our Hard-Working Hospital Staff

The media says a lot of things about Trump supporters, but one thing you’ll never hear them say how kind and supportive they are.

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Case in point: members of President Trump’s campaign have been anonymously ordering food to be delivered to hospitals nationwide.

President Trump’s presidential campaign has reportedly been delivering large amounts of food to hospitals to nourish first responders on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.

Since last week, the president’s reelection campaign has been calling local restaurants and ordering large amounts of food to be sent to hospitals across the country, including in the pandemic hot spots of New York, Washington state, and Michigan, according to Fox News.

The Trump campaign is reportedly placing these orders anonymously.

“They’re doing it as a donor who cares,” one source told Fox News. “So nothing politically is tied to it. … We’re just trying to, you know, show a thank you.”

Another source said, “They’re trying to send things that are like, local restaurants that may need support [and] cool restaurant icons of the area that may need the business.”

A source confirmed to Fox News that the campaign has spent tens of thousands of dollars and will continue to spend more over the coming weeks.

“We’re happy to do it. Trust me,” one employee of an Italian deli in Secaucus, New Jersey, said after an order from an anonymous individual called in 40 platters of pasta, salads, and sandwiches. [Washington Examiner [2]]

What an incredible and selfless thing to do!

So amazing to see the Trump campaign paying it forward like this.

This piece was written by Sophie O’Hara on April 2, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.

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