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Opinion: If Fauci Is OK With Trump He’s Ok With Me! Both Want To Save Lives

As a conservative thinking American, I do believe in science, and I also I believe that doctors have tunnel vision, a “cover your arse” (CYA) mentality along with a tremendous fear of being medically wrong and causing death.

Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, didn’t get his title through political means. He got his title through hard work and dedication. If people want to say he’s a Democrat because he votes Democrat, that’s their choice.

However, when you are in the medical profession, you have to treat everyone. They have a code, an oath they have to adhere to, and that oath is something that the conspiracy nuts and degenerates on social media do not understand.

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That “tunnel vision” I mentioned earlier, Fauci has it. He doesn’t consider the economic fallout from his recommendations because he’s worried about the loss of life, that’s his first course of action as a doctor.

Pres. Trump’s economy has been called strong for the last three years, so watching some Trump supporters lose their heads, not even thinking that it will rebound has me scratching my head. It also shows me just how much people believe in Pres. Trump and what he’s doing. They question Fauci because he’s more comfortable to place the blame on, but they are indirectly blaming Trump for listening to Fauci, thus hurting the economy.

Fauci wasn’t elected and didn’t order anyone to do anything. His decisions as a man who is already accomplished and verified should be enough to trust, but so many people don’t want to hear that.

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Of COURSE, if 100% of our population were locked in their homes, the spread of the virus would be minimal. The higher the percentage of quarantining, the “slower” the range of virus would be. That’s common medical sense. The CDC recommendations were much less than 100%, but the state governors have taken things to extremes, not Fauci. Those governors don’t want to be blamed for any deaths. That’s political suicide – and the Democrats also can blame Trump for the economic downturn.

Doctors always err on the side of caution — doing lots of tests, that’s what they do. They typically give the “worst-case scenario” so that if that happens, no one is surprised. They expected it. On the other hand, if the worst does not happen, it’s because we did such a great job, and our treatment/recommendations worked. It’s always happened like that.

Doctors HATE to see patients suffer and die, so they do things to lessen pain. So it’s anathema for Doctors Fauci and Birx to “allow” people to be at risk for Coronavirus and possibly die. It’s therefore okay and more “noble” to sacrifice the economy to “save” lives – but the “unintended consequences” of this are not considered. Their jobs, those of their colleagues, are NOT in jeopardy, and THEIR pensions are secure.

I am not a doctor, but we need to test the population to see who has it and who has had it because there are almost certainly millions of people walking around who have it. No matter the precautions and I fear that my family and I could be in that group.

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One thing that I have said about Pres. Trump after he was elected in his defense. He’s never been a politician, he’s a businessman, and he thinks like one. There have been a few mistakes that he’s made along the way, and Trump supporters blame Democrats and the media, not him. Fauci is not a politician, he’s a doctor, and he thinks like one. As I said before, he’s focused on saving lives and Pres. Trump has the FINAL say but Trump supporters blame Fauci.

Crazy how that all works out, eh?

The CDC, other Feds, and the states seem to be “slow-walking” the testing – to make Trump look bad or because of incompetence? Who can tell for sure?



This piece was written by Wayne Dupree on April 7, 2020. It originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [4] and is used by permission.

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