- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

It’s More Than Past Time to Replace Facebook, Who is Operating as a Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party

Facebook is not essential. They just have everyone locked in because we are all easily connected to our family, friends, and the groups and companies we are interested in. It’s a convenience. But the communities we have created are not exactly hard to replicate in a different space. 

It’s just a matter of numbers. We’re all on Facebook because it’s the easiest way to reach our chosen community. That’s where everyone is. All it would take is one company with a better business model to catch on fire and then it’s bye-bye Facebook 

I can’t figure out why no one hasn’t already come up with someone better. Facebook took over the Myspace domination and there is no reason why Facebook can’t be replaced as well. 

Facebook hasn’t added any improvements or value to their product in years. In fact, they do the opposite. If other companies did what they do to us, we would have dropped them long ago. They sell our information to advertisers, they track us on the internet, they control our newsfeed, they secretly remove our posts and they put us in a “time out” for a week if they don’t like something that we say. Would we put up with this kind of behavior from our bank, or mechanic or the local restaurant? 

Facebook is not customer friendly at all and you can’t even get in touch with them easily if you have any sort of dispute. With a platform like Facebook, we should be allowed to control our own space. It’s like our house. We should get to decide who we let in and don’t. We should get to decide who we talk to and be able say what we want. We should get to decide what we see from others in our virtual community and how we see it. 

My mortgage company isn’t able to dictate who I let in my house, who I can meet with and what I can do. And I actually pay them so my house is technically theirs. Facebook is free. But they’ve got such a lock on the market that they are allowed to do whatever they want because it would be inconvenient for us to leave them. 

Facebook’s latest suppression of free speech really doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone. They are shutting down group event pages [1]for people who want to organize in-person anti quarantine protests against stay-at-home orders and they are removing coronavirus protest posts in California, New Jersey and Nebraska. It’s obvious why they are doing this – it’s because Facebook is seeing flags, MAGA hats and Trump signs at these protests. 

A Facebook spokesperson said it’s the company’s policy to “remove the posts when gatherings do not follow the health parameters established by the government and are therefore unlawful.” So their excuse is that they are removing posts about events that it thinks violate social distancing guidelines. 

According to Breitbart, Facebook CEO [2]Mark Zuckerberg [2]actually said on a segment of Good Morning America that the posts and pages attempting to organize protests against stay-at-home orders will be banned as “misinformation.” 

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about what is going on by saying, “Why is Facebook colluding with state governments to quash people’s free speech? Regardless of what you think about the lockdowns or the protests against them, this is a chilling & disturbing government directed shutdown of peoples 1st Amendment rights. Very dangerous!” 

Facebook doesn’t believe in free expression and never has. If it’s a conservative idea, if it has to do with preserving our bill of rights and freedoms, if it’s pro-Republican or pro-Trump, there is a very good chance of your posts being censored – and a lot of time you won’t even know it. You just won’t see something posted by a friend and they won’t see something from you. But neither of you will know it happened. 

Censorship is the card the liberals like to play because they are often on the losing side of policy debates. So they discredit their competition and censor other ideas. 

God only knows what else they will do during the next seven months during the election season. Will we even be able to post the word “Trump” under Facebook guidelines? The president has supported the anti-quarantine protests so surely they will have to shut him down as well as anyone who supports him. You might be rolling your eyes or laughing, but you know they’ll be censoring us through November. 

I half-expect Twitter to freeze Trump’s Twitter account before the election or tweet out a message that is not from him. We shouldn’t be be surprised by anything they do. 

Facebook is a government-centric, liberal, anti-free speech, anti-Republican, anti-Trump company. They are democrats. Zuckerberg’s speech [3]in October 2019 at Georgetown University about the company being committed to allowing free expression is a big pile of cow manure. 

Facebook, like Twitter, You Tube and the rest of their social media liberal friends is a propaganda arm of the democrat party [4]. [4] They censor, demonetize, deplatform, and lock people out of their own accounts. 

In countless interviews by Project Veritas [4] and others with former Facebook employees, it has been exposed that Facebook purposely suppresses the content of conservatives as well as manipulating newsfeed to help the democrat party. They ARE the democrat party.