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Is Wildlife Ready to Take Over Deserted Towns? 

It sounds like a made-for-TV movie. Wildlife taking over empty towns where people aren’t around. 

I think there are a few movies that have used this as a plot and I remember a TV series on the History Channel called “Life After People,” a show where so-called experts guess about what would become of Earth if humans disappeared. Pets and livestock were on their own and I don’t remember if they even said why the humans were gone. Zoo animals escaped and domestic animals like horses were running wild, roaming America. 

It looks like some goats in Wales [1]aren’t waiting for the total extinction of man (or woman) before they take over a town in the UK. They are seizing the opportunity currently in front of them due to the town being deserted because of the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown. 

A herd of 122 Kashmiri goats has decided to eat hedges and flowers from the gardens of residents in Llandudno, not paying attention at all to dining etiquette or social distancing rules. 

The goats usually keep to themselves in a country park near the town but since it’s been quiet, without many cars or people, they’ve decided to explore the city, eat what they want and peer in windows. 

Why hang out on a 679 piece of limestone when you can poke around the city and look for new delicacies? The goats have been in the town before when bad weather hits so they know their way around. 

A producer for an evening news show, Andrew Stuart, has been posting videos of the goat take-over and most residents find the situation amusing and entertaining. 

Stuart told the Associated Press, “There’s no one around at the moment, because of the lockdown, so they take their chances and go as far as they can. And they are going further and further into town.” 

Besides the goats wandering around, there are reports of a roaming wild boar in Barcelona [2], Spain [2]; wild animals hanging out among the ruins in Rome; a puma ignoring the curfew in Chile; and ducks wandering the streets of Paris, taking in the sights. 

Hopefully, the alligators in Florida aren’t planning to follow suit.