- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Freedom Is Essential – and Jobs are Essential to Freedom. Lets Get Back to Work. 

Anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela said, “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” 

Current circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic under oppressive government tyranny has made many of us just that. Outlaws. Or at a minimum, we are ready to become an outlaw pretty darn quick if things don’t change soon. 

Will there be civil disobedience? Many can see it coming. It’s already here in certain places with protests and businesses opening, defying their state and local rules. 

Kind of ironic that it’s the government’s lawlessness that will make us an outlaw. But I don’t mind the title. I’ve always been against groupthink and have instinctively done the opposite of what everyone else is doing. 

I’m a lock-down outlaw. That’s fine. 

The Bill of Rights, inspired by Thomas Jefferson and written by James Madison, included ten amendments to guarantee our freedoms including freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to assemble and the right to bear arms. 

In December of 1787, Thomas Jefferson said, “A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth.” 

Notice he used the phrase against the government. They knew that the government would become tyrannical and it certainly has in 2020, more than ever before. 

Instead of Americans being able to keep our rights and freedoms during the pandemic, we are being ruled by “emergency.” 

Under the guise of an emergency, the government is ignoring the freedoms we have been promised and governors have come up with rules about where we can go and what we can do. 

And they are constantly moving the goalposts. The lock-down was to flatten the curve. No, we have to wait until everyone can get tested everyday. No, we have to make sure everyone is safe. 

That will never happen. 

The Declaration of Independence gives us certain unalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the governments are to get their powers from the consent of the governed. They currently don’t have our consent for their lock-down. 

Because the government knows that we would storm the kingdom if they oppressed us up front by telling us we’re locked down for three months, they break up their tyranny in bite size pieces so we are only oppressed for weeks at a time. 

But just like the frog in the pot of warm water, we know how things play out. The pot isn’t boiling at the beginning, but in the end, the frog is cooked just the same. 

Freedom depends on a person’s ability to support themselves and that means a combination of money, time and ability. 

In the 1880’s, it meant that you did your own farming, sewed your own clothes and provided for your own family’s needs. However in 2020, it means you pay others to do most everything for you. 

Having a job gives you the money to have a life. It pays for transportation, medical care, food, clothing, supplies, utilities and pays for your hobbies and interests, including guns, vacations, music, iPhone’s, video games, books and more. 

The time that you spend working allows you the freedom to make choices and defines how you live your life. It gives you control. It buys your freedom. 

We need to be able to get back to work. 

I can’t even believe I typed that sentence while living in America under a constitution. 

We need to be able to get back to work. 

Why is the government even allowed in any capacity to stop us???