- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Democrats Shut Country Down But Want Borders Kept Open 

More evidence has emerged that the democrats are more concerned about their support of illegal aliens and the election then containing COVID-19 and that evidence in the form of them showing their true colors and complaining about Trump’s recent plans for an executive order to shut down the border which by most accounts will only result in temporarily suspending the issuance of green cards. 

Trump announced the move to “attack the Invisible Enemy” and to protect jobs of American citizens. Democrats care about neither thing and right on cue, they freaked out. 

Lovely politicians like Hillary Clinton tweeted, “Trump will never stop using his racist immigration policies to sow division.” 

Guess she’s okay with foreigners and illegals bringing in the coronavirus while she quarantines America. Good to know. Foreigners: welcome one and all, go where you please; Americans: don’t you dare take one step out of your house! 

Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley tweeted, “It takes a small, cruel man to try to distract us by vilifying immigrants.” 

Failed presidential candidate and Democratic Senator Kamala Harris said the president was taking advantage of the situation to push hard-line immigration policies. She tweeted, “He’s shamelessly politicizing this pandemic to double down on his anti-immigrant agenda.” 

Failed presidential candidate and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted, “You have nobody to blame but yourself for this completely bungled response to a deadly crisis, Mr. President. Not immigrants. Not governors or mayors. Just you. Stop scapegoating immigrants with more racism and xenophobia and do your job.” 

So the democrats are accusing the president of racism just like they did when he shut down travel from China. No surprise there. 

Under a Clinton administration, we’d really be in trouble because she would have continued travel for quite a while in order to appear PC to her adoring masses. 

The Gizmodo tech and science website says that Trump is disingenuously citing coronavirus [1]as an excuse for temporarily shutting down immigration. Hm…. I guess that the virus isn’t a real issue then. At least not to democrats. It’s not really a “thing” to be concerned about. 

Gizmodo also said that illegal aliens don’t steal American jobs so we don’t have to worry about that either. All seems to be well with Gizmodo. No concern for the virus and no concern for loss jobs. The only concern they have is for anyone who isn’t an American.