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Democrat who endorsed President Trump is forced to resign after being ‘harassed’ by his party

Last week, we reported [1] that Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones had endorsed Donald Trump for president going into the November election. Just days later, however, he has unfortunately been forced to step down after being harassed by his fellow Democrats for this endorsement.

“I’m sick and tired of me and my family being attacked and harassed by the Democratic Party for putting my country before my party,” Jones said in a statement released to the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution [2] as he resigned as the representative for Georgia’s 91st House District.

“I take pride in being an independent thinker,” Jones added. “I intend to help the Democratic Party get rid of its bigotry against Black people that are independent and conservative.”

Jones first endorsed Trump on April 14, citing the president’s handling of the economy as well as his support for criminal justice reform and historically black colleges. “It’s very simple to me,” the lawmaker said at the time. “President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign.”

It didn’t take long for him to be hit with backlash from his fellow Democrats, however. “Vernon Jones is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party and does not stand for our values,” Georgia Democratic Party Chairwoman Nikema Williams said in a statement, according to The Daily Caller [3]. “He chose to stand with the racist president who has made an all-out assault on black Americans…during the most important election of our lifetimes.”

During his resignation on Wednesday, Jones made sure to take a shot at his fellow Democrats as well as their candidate of choice, former Vice President Joe Biden. “I endorsed the White guy (Donald J. Trump) that let Blacks out of jail, and they endorsed the White guy (Joe Biden) that put Blacks in jail,” he said.

Though Jones is leaving office, he refused to leave the Democratic Party, pledging to stick around to “hold them accountable to how they are treating black people [and] root out the bigotry.”

“I will remain woke and vigilant in educating and fighting for my people,” Jones said. This shows perfectly just how intolerant the self-proclaimed “tolerant” Left really is. Democrats are completely open to the views of others, as long as they align with their own, of course. As soon as a Democrat dares to step out of line, the entire herd of liberals turns on them with a viciousness that is disturbing to behold.

We’re glad that Jones saw the light of what the modern Democratic Party really is. He won’t be the last liberal to come to this realization, if the Democratic Party continues down the path they are currently on.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on April 22, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette [4] and is used by permission.

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