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Demanding a Zillion Coronavirus Tests is New Democrat Election Strategy 

It’s always easy to see when the democrats are in unified election mode. They start a PR campaign along with the media using the same words and phrases and they all spend a day or two on the same topic. The latest campaign strategy to go after Trump is the demand of “massive [1]” testing. That’s the word the democrats are going with right now. 

Liberal Harvard has a report that test makers must “massively” ramp up production of coronavirus testing if the U.S. is to safely reopen it’s economy, with some five million tests per day needed by early June. Why not a zillion? 

You can test me Monday and I could get the virus on Friday. Are they planning to test everyone everyday even if we don’t have symptoms? Their testing goals are unattainable and ridiculous. 

And of course, more money is needed too. It always is. $15 billion a month ver the next year to invest in testing. 

Chuck Schumer tweeted, “We will not get America moving again unless we have a nationwide, well thought out, well-executed testing program – and this administration doesn’t have one.” 

Chuck’s friend Hillary Clinton tweeted “All the experts say we need to greatly expand COVID-19 testing capacity to safely re-open America.” 

Maybe they didn’t get the memo from Dr. Burke that there are half a million tests in labs across the country that haven’t been accessed. Or that there are so many tests being done, there is a backlog [2]on reporting the results in some places. 

The democrat’s plan for more testing isn’t to find out how many Americans have COVID-19 and isolate and treat them. Their plan is to pump up the numbers as large as possible to continue their destruction of America through stay-at-home orders to tank the economy and help them win the election. 

The United States has had more testing done than all the confirmed COVID-19 cases on the planet. As of right now, according to the John Hopkins dashboard which tracks cases and deaths of the coronavirus, there are 2,603,147 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world and America has conducted 4,171,896 tests. I’d say that’s a pretty impressive feat in the limited time that we’ve had to do it. 

As with everything else, COVID-19 has become totally political for the democrats. Pandemic aside, they are in full force election mode and are using anything having to do with the coronavirus to try to get Trump out of office. 

President Trump’s “Opening Up American Again” guidelines talk about the state’s responsibility in the ability to set up safe and efficient screening and testing sites for symptomatic individuals and trace contacts of COVID-19 positive results. 

Democrats took those guidelines as an opening to complain about the federal government not sending out mass tests for people who aren’t even sick.