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Cher Says the Pandemic is Good for the Earth 

You know how Democrats are. Anything that helps move along their psychotic ideology is good, even a pandemic. 

The progressives are secretly sitting back and enjoying the part of the pandemic that results in businesses being closed because it’s what they dreamed about when they came up with the Green New Deal. Businesses are closed, cars are off the road, and there are less carbon emissions. 

And some of the progressives are not so secretly sitting back and keeping to themselves the benefits of the pandemic. Some are admitting that they see a silver lining in COVID-19. 

Cher tweeted [1]recently that the earth is happy about what is going on. She said the earth is “breathing easier because we’ve stopped assaulting it” and actually said the pandemic “could be a second chance to save our planet.” 

She also warned that if we don’t change the way we treat the earth, it will get back at us. It will “do what ‘we’ do to an enemy, destroy it.” So I guess we have some more things in the future to worry about. 

Even the Pope is on board with Cher’s nonsense by telling everyone the pandemic is nature’s way of telling humans to take better care of their creation. 

The problem is that even though we’ve had the biggest drop in CO2 emissions since World War II, the climate gurus say that the pandemic will have little impact on climate change because it’s temporary and the previous carbon dioxide can stay in the atmosphere for centuries. 

With that being said, the whole Green New Deal public relations angle seems to be imploding because if a month of businesses being shut all over the country doesn’t do much for climate change, then my SUV, plastic straws and plastic bags aren’t going to make a darn bit of difference in the scheme of things.