- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

If Biden is the Firewall Against Crazy Bernie, Let’s Get Out the Trump Marshmallows

The left wing media has been going berserk for the past few weeks with the thought of Bernie Sanders getting the Democratic nomination for president. Their problem is that they have no good candidate to prop up against him for various reasons. 

For the South Carolina race at least, many Democrats and media people decided to help out Sleepy Joe, regardless of his perceived senility in the past few rallies and debates, not remembering the office he’s running [1] for, how many people have been killed by guns [2] in the America and not having a clue about what state he’s in.

Black Congressman Jim Clyburn from South Carolina went all in on Biden, giving him his endorsement [3]. Clyburn said in a CBS interview, “I’m trying to create momentum for Joe Biden…what I’m looking for in a president is all wrapped up in Joe Biden…he has the compassion, the temperament, the background and the experiences that are necessary to have a successful presidency and there’s more of that in Joe Biden than any of the other candidates.”

The left wing media appeared to be pushing Biden as well, touting BIden’s great polling numbers in South Carolina and trying to put a damper on Sanders’ momentum. Since Democrats often operate in a mob mentality, and are still unsure about who to vote for, they took their cues from all of their left wing media friends who told them that Biden had a chance to win. 

The result of the Biden push in the South Carolina primary was a Biden win with 48.4% of the vote, Sanders came in second with 19.9% of the vote and Steyer in third with 11.3%. Everyone else was under 8%. The win gives Biden more legitimacy and makes voters feel safer to vote for him on Super Tuesday.

Even Rob “Meathead” Reiner seems to be on board the Biden train. After Biden’s win, he tweeted, “Huge blowout for Biden. After Super Tuesday, we must coalesce. I know the pull of the Oval is tempting, but egos need to be put aside for the sake of our Republic.”

As it stands, Bernie Sanders has 57 delegates, Biden got 51 from South Carolina, and former candidate Pete Buttigieg had 26. Super Tuesday will have 1357 delegates at stake. More than a third of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary votes will be cast that day in 14 states and one territory. 1991 delegates are needed to win the nomination. Some of the largest amounts of Democrat delegates to be handed out on Super Tuesday are in California (415), Texas (228) and North Carolina (110).

The truth is that neither Bernie nor Biden looks like they have any chance to win against Trump. One is a communist and the other one doesn’t seem to have the mental capacity to run a McDonald’s let alone the United States. 

So pass out the Trump marshmallows and we can all sit around their fire and watch the Democratic party destroy themselves in the next eight months, twisting themselves into pretzels defending the obvious flaws of their nominated candidate. Whether they end up defending communism or senility, it should be a great show.