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Democrats Hoping Joe Biden Becomes the Invisible Man

Can you imagine “President Joe Biden” managing the current coronavirus outbreak? He is yelling at
people at rallies, slurring his words and he doesn’t know where he is half of the time.

Yet the Democrats have anointed him to be their nominee and want no argument and no opposition.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn wants the whole nomination process to be over. After Joe
Biden’s victories on Tuesday, Clyburn said, “Quite frankly, if the night ends the way it has begun, I
think it is time for us to shut this primary down, it is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates…”

Other Democrats including James Carville are having the same thoughts. He tweeted, “Let’s shut this
puppy down and…worry about November. This thing is decided.”

Democrats, at their core, want to control everything. They could care less about the voters, even their

What are they afraid of? A debate? Biden being in public?


In a recent CNBC story [1], writer Jake Novak says one of the key ways Biden can win the nomination is
staying out of the public eye.

Jake Novak says, “The biggest danger right now for Biden and his campaign handlers is for them to
believe something they did is the reason his fortunes have turned around. They must realize and embrace the fact that it was the fear of a Sanders nomination and the democratic socialist, anti-establishment movement that came with it that brought the avalanche of key nominations and the victories in South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states.”

He goes on to say that Biden’s comeback was because others brought him back, not anything Biden
did on his own. He advises, “it’s time for the Biden campaign to take their candidate out of the public
eye and as many unscripted events as possible. That includes trying to reduce the number of debates
versus Sanders and relying on more of Biden’s growing list of Democratic party backers to do as
much of the talking for him until Election Day.”

It’s easy to see why Democrats don’t want Biden out in the public or debating Bernie Sanders in an
uncontrolled setting. Any one-on-one meeting could prove disastrous for Sleepy Joe. Who knows
what he will say. Sunday’s debate will be interesting

Biden is supposed to be the one who can beat Trump but how exactly is a confused and gaffe prone
Biden supposed to do that?

How will the Democrats make Biden look competent without editing capabilities?

Will the Biden campaign limit his debates with Bernie and Trump and make sure all the questions are
given to him ahead of time?

Looks like the Biden campaign is already shortening the Biden rallies [2]. Maybe they’ll shut them down
all together, pretending that the coronavirus is to blame. What great timing.

Sanders commented on Sleepy Joe’s recent shortened speech. He said, “You know, I think Joe was
somewhere — where was he, I don’t know — Michigan or some place else the other day, and he
spoke for seven minutes. I don’t know how you say anything other than, you know, minimal
discussion in seven minutes.”

If Biden gets the nomination and has to debate Trump, he’ll have to think on his feet which is pretty
much an impossibility. I don’t think we can expect Trump to stay on script so even the best laid leftist
plans might go off the rails once Trump is able to bait Biden to respond to him.

Meanwhile, where are the psychiatrist experts coming out to talk about Biden’s mental faculties?
Seems like every five minutes one group or another was talking about Trump’s mental health [3]. They
were signing letters saying Trump’s mental health was deteriorating and dangerous. Warning!

Or maybe that was just an effort to get rid of Trump?

Surely professional psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals wouldn’t do something like