- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

10-Year-Old Colorado Boy Arrested for Shooting Nerf Gun at a Passing Car

In an age when a senator can threaten Supreme Court Justices with impunity and Hillary Clinton can
skate from the law after illegally destroying emails and communications devices post-subpoena, it
seems a little bit over the top and unjust for 10-year-old Gavin Carpenter and his friend to be arrested
for a felony because they were playing with fake guns [1].

Gavin’s mother, Stefanie Carpenter, whose husband is on active duty in the Army as a lieutenant
colonel, recently talked about what happened on Facebook, after she was assured the whole incident
would no longer appear on her son’s record. After 217 days with her son participating in community
service and writing an essay, his “crimes” are now expunged from his record.

In her Facebook post, Gavin’s mom said, “On July 24, 2019 my 10 year old son, Gavin, got arrested
for playing with a fake gun and a nerf gun while outside playing “Fortnite” with a friend at a house off
post. Gavin was arrested for Menacing, a class 5 Felony. This is an extremely hard post to write as
this has affected our whole family immensely. Especially our Gavin, who is terrified of law
enforcement now and occasionally has flashbacks of the terrifying event. My point to telling the world
what happened is to inform ALL parents this could happen to anyone with children.”

She continued, “As all of you know, our entire family has been serving the United States as an Active
Duty Army family for the past 18 years. We are a law abiding family, to say the least. To see your 10
year old son handcuffed, in the back of a cop car, in tears and scared to death is a vision I will never
be able to erase out of my mind. And the 100% helpless feeling I have felt throughout this entire
process. My hope is to educate you all so I can keep this from happening to anyone else. We
obviously hired an attorney, filed to do a diversion program to keep his case from going to court.

Gavin had to complete community hours and a list of other requirements to successfully finish the
program. Once he was done, we filed for a complete expungement off his record. So as of yesterday,
we are officially done with this living nightmare.”

She explained how Gavin and a 10-year old friend were outside playing with fake guns that were
broken and not able to shoot any projectiles (nerf bullets). They pointed their toy/nerf guns at an
oncoming truck, who got mad and tried to confront the boys. She said, “The boys were scared
because he slammed on his breaks and squealed his tires and put the truck in reverse. The boys ran
inside the grandparents house, where they were staying.”

After the truck driver yelled at the grandfather, the El Paso County Police Department was called and
they ended up arresting the boys, handcuffing them and taking them down to the police station to get
fingerprinted and mug shots taken.

Yes, the police actually arrested the boys even though both the truck driver and the police knew the
kids were 10-year-olds and they knew the kids had been playing with fake guns. Pretty pathetic on
both accounts. And if the “victim” thought the Nerf gun with an orange tip and a bright orange Nerf
crossbow were threatening, why did he chase the boys unarmed?

Because of this incident, the Carpenters want to leave the state in a few months after Gavin’s dad is
done with his current assignment.

Stefanie said, “I can’t live in a state where my kids can’t be kids and play outside without being scared
of being arrested.”

Be careful though, Carpenters. It’s a whole new world out there. There are sanctuaries for illegal
aliens. There are Democrat controlled cities have no bail for criminals. There are cities who fine little
girls with lemonade stands while at the same time protecting illegal alien murders from ICE agents.
There is lawlessness and selective law enforcement all over the country. This is no longer the sane
country we used to live in with justice and legal protection for law-abiding American citizens.

Stephanie also had a warning for other parents. She says, “I’ll make this post public so you can share
my post. Because my first and foremost intention is to educate parents. This could have happened to
any of us, and unfortunately it happened to us…We are so relieved that this is all over with on paper,
but unfortunately Gavin will deal with the mental repercussions the rest of his life.”

Gavin knew he did something wrong but said he didn’t think he should have gotten arrested and
taken into the police car with handcuffs and then the police dept.

In a Fox interview, Gavin talked about aiming the guns at passing cars. He said he told the police, “I
had no intention to have scared them or have any threat to their life.”

But the police and the district attorney didn’t take his intentions into consideration like law officials did
when Crooked Hillary lied and said she didn’t mean to do anything wrong by using a private server
and destroying evidence. No, she was just extremely careless with classified information. She didn’t
have any bad intentions. So what if the Chinese or Russians got some of our secrets? No biggie.

Gavin is the one who is a danger to society. Gavin is the one we should worry about, not people like

We are all lucky the District Attorney in the case, Republican Dan May, is term-limited and he is out
of office in 2020. He’s been involved in other controversies including making a deal with a child
molester who sexually assaulted a four-year-old [2] and only ended up on probation.

Child molesters don’t seem to be a danger to society either.

Just Nerf gun shooters.

El Paso County has become the most populous county in the state and the district attorney office
prosecutes the highest felony caseload in Colorado. Now I can see why. Too many kids are playing