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[VIDEO] Mardi Gras “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” Float Depicts Gigantic “Hillary” Strangling Her Longtime Family Friend

By Missy Crane | February 23, 2020

This is one for the record books…

A Mardia Gras float featuring Hillary Clinton in her trademark pastel pantsuit, with her hands around the neck of convicted pedophile and Clinton family friend Jeffrey Epstein was all the rage at the festive party!

It’s the “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” float and it was a big hit at the legendary parade.

On the side of the float, it read: “I’m as innocent as OJ.”

We love it! 

You can watch the video below:


The float takes a jab at the “Clinton Body Count,” an urban legend of sorts that claims Hillary kills all of her enemies by “suicide.”

It is really a “legend” though? Hmmm.

And speaking of the Clinton Body Count, we may need to start the “Obama Body Count” next, after the DHS Obama whistleblower supposedly “killed himself” last night.

Philip Haney was the man who outed Obama admin’s “Jihad” against America.

You can watch that 2016 video below:

Any way you look at it, the liberal globalist elites in this country are getting away with murder.

There’s no bout about it, the swamp protects its own and the Deep State will do whatever it has to in order to make sure it survives.

However, the good news is that one of the best ways to fight back is through mockery and humor and that’s precisely what the Clinton/Esptsien float did.

While it’s funny, it also draws a great deal of attention to the fact that yet again the ruling globalist elites are getting away with the type of crimes that you and I would be rotting in prison over.


This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [1] and is used by permission.

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