- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Trump Is Getting Stronger

After 3-years of endless albeit fruitless investigations of President Trump, the Democrats have apparently come up with less than zero.

According to Real Clear Politics [1], The President has reached his highest average approval rating since taking office.

Let that sink in for a moment.

All of the media’s sustained frenzy over James Comey, Bob Mueller, the Mueller Report, Ukraine, leaks, liars and tell all books just to name a few has actually resulted in stronger poll numbers than when the President was elected in 2016.


Because Americans have figured it out for the most part. They know the economy is doing great, that we are not in a new endless war and that overall things are pretty damn good. Americans can finally understand it has been a 3-year-long temper tantrum by the Democrats and their hand maidens in the media. People are sick of it.

Quite honestly why would most of the country vote for a change? Most people can tell you they are better off today than they were 3-years ago.

Even those that really cannot stand President Trump and the Tweeting, name calling and nonsense are not willing to say, “yeah he’s a jerk so we’d better vote for a communist.”

So, right now the smart money is on Trump to win with more than 350 Electoral votes and the popular vote too. Take that to the bank!