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Rob Reiner bizarrely claims that Trump has committed treason

By PopZette Staff | February 23, 2020

Hollywood star Rob Reiner, who seems to be desperately trying to stay relevant by attacking Donald Trump on a daily basis, just went after the president once again by claiming that he committed treason.

Reiner has accused Trump of many crimes over the years, but he went even further in his latest attack, accusing him of “siding with Russia.”

“Russia is attacking US. Trump is siding with Russia. Trump is committing Treason,” Reiner wrote.

Treason is one of the most serious crimes in American law, as it “states that a person who is convicted can ‘suffer death,’ or be imprisoned for at least five years and fined at least $10,000. The individual can also be banned from holding public office,” according to Breitbart News [2].

MORE NEWS: Ilhan Omar blasts Meghan McCain, accuses her of being a hypocrite for calling out Sanders’ supporters [3]

Reiner’s latest Trump attack comes after it was revealed that Russia is indeed interfering in this year’s presidential election, but not in Trump’s favor. Instead, Russia is interfering on the behalf of Bernie Sanders [4], who is currently the frontrunner among Democratic candidates.

This is not the first time that Reiner has accused Trump of committing treason, as he also did so back in December.

“Donald Trump is committing Treason against The United States of America,” Reiner wrote at the time. “He is aiding and abetting the enemy in The War against Isis and The Cyberwar against Russia. He has turned the world’s oldest Democracy into a wholly owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin. GOP, WAKE UP!”

It’s astounding that Reiner seems to think that just because he’s found success in Hollywood, his political opinions are relevant to the American people. He should stick to working in the entertainment world, and leave the politics to those of us who actually have brains of our own.

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette [6] and is used by permission.

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