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Report: Melania’s Grace and Class Are Winning Over More Women for Trump

By Missy Crane | February 22, 2020

We already knew that our first lady was graceful, classy, and beautiful.

We didn’t need a survey to tell us – but we love that the proof is now on paper!

Melania Trump is one of President Trump’s greatest assets.

RELATED: Liberals Have a Meltdown Over Melania Receiving the 2020 ‘Woman of Distinction’ Award [1]

She’s that perfect blend of demure and strength. She’s a mother first, and a FLOTUS second. She’s beautiful, smart, and above all else has a heart of gold.

It’s no wonder that she’s winning over more and more women for President Trump.

They’re actually the perfect all-American traditional couple. He’s the strong alpha male and she’s the lovely supportive wife.

First lady Melania Trump’s classy ability to handle attacks on her while keeping the focus on her and the president’s agenda steady is a top reason Republican women are flocking to support President Trump, according to a new survey.

In a deep dive into the reasons women back the president, the survey put Trump’s accomplishments and his wife at the top and said that she is a sign that the president has good “judgment.”

The survey from the Frontier Center, provided Friday to Secrets, said, “Female supporters included First Lady Melania Trump as one of Trump’s greatest assets as she, too, provides leadership for how to act in a hostile culture.” [Washington Examiner [2]]

Melania recently won the Woman of Distinction 2020 Award.

You can watch her acceptance speech below.

This new survey is likely why the Trump campaign has decided to put Melania on the campaign trail to help her husband’s reelection bid.

The survey results came from a study of “high-intensity” support at the president’s recent rally in Manchester, New Hampshire.

And this particular survey compared findings to a similar one survey that was conducted during the 2016 campaign, where people cited Trump’s kids – and how well-behaved and successful they are – as reasons to support him.


This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.

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