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Report: DHS Whistleblower Who Outed Obama Administration Found Dead From “Suicide”

By Missy Crane | February 22, 2020

Things that make you go HMMMMM.

The name Philip Haney may ring a bell. If not, I’ll remind you who he was – and I saw “was” because he’s now dead.

RELATED: Report: Officials Declare Trump Admin “Eclipsing” Obama in “Almost Every Area” [1]

Haney was the DHS whistleblower that outed the Obama administration over their cozy relationship and wrongdoings in regards to the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.

You can watch the interview Hannity conducted with Mr. Haney below:

He was also a close friend and confidant to many at Law Enforcement Today [2] and they were among the first to report on his death, which has now been ruled a “suicide.”

Friends of Haney told us that they spoke with Haney earlier this week and he’d “never been happier”.  They’ve suggested there’s absolutely no way he would have taken his own life… and reinforce that he’s had many enemies since he blew the whistle on the Obama administration.

Close friends of Haney tell us that his wife lost her battle with cancer in 2019.  Haney was engaged to be married later this year. The author of See Something, Say Nothing was preparing to go back on the road in advance of the upcoming election. He was currently living in California, just west of San Francisco.

In 2018, Haney told Intercessors for America prayer activists that he had been working on a “special assignment” in Minnesota to stop Rep. Keith Ellison from being elected Minnesota’s Attorney General.  As we approach the 2020 elections, friends of Haney’s told us he was planning on doubling down on efforts to “protect America from progressive leftists socialists”.

Haney was a guest on IFA’s now-weekly pre-election prayer call, where when asked by IFA’s Dave Kubal what’s at stake in the 2018 midterm elections, Haney said:

“What’s at stake is our sovereignty, the right to choose the form of government we would live under.”

He continued:

“This is a moment that’s generational,” said Haney, “and now is the time for us to stand up and take our place in representation of government as ordained by God and to reaffirm the values that our country was founded on, and choose life, not death.”

According to Haney, the Constitution is threatened by “progressive leftist socialists” and by the Islamic movement.  He said their goal is to impose Sharia law. [Law Enforcement Today]

You can read the entire piece here [5].

Mr. Haney is what a real whistleblower looked and acted like and now he’s dead.

Will the fake news media and Democrats rally around this whistleblower and demand an investigation into his death? Will there be an outcry for justice for this man?


This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [6] and is used by permission.

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