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New Hampshire Democrats Choose Bernie Sanders as Their Least Offensive Candidate

In a Democrat primary which can best be categorized as choosing the least offensive candidate (who can beat Donald Trump), the voters in New Hampshire have decided that the person who won that honor is Bernie Sanders with a current showing of 29.5% of the vote. About 97% of the votes are in at the time of this article being written because, well, when we’re talking about Democrats, do results ever matter? Nope. Move on. Next please.

What those numbers really mean is that 70.5% of New Hampshire Democrats DIDN’T want Sanders as the Democrat nominee. Of course, when you look at who else the voters didn’t want, you can definitely say that Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren were in that category with only 17.7% of the vote combined, which is less than what Klobuchar was able to muster.

The Democrats, who always seem to operate in a herd mentality, got the message the last few days that all the cool kids were going to vote for Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar. The voters jumped on the bandwagon because who wants to pick a loser?? Those last minute votes helped propel Buttigieg to second place and Klobuchar to third.

Last minute.

Face it, Democrats. Your candidates suck – which is why, leading up to the vote, you had so many undecided voters. In fact, only 49% of New Hampshire primary voters were firmly set on their candidate choice before voting according to a Monmouth poll [1].

It’s like the Democrats are standing around waiting for former President Barack Obama to show up and get them out of their current mess. Or Michelle Obama. Or Oprah. Or anyone really. 

Unfortunately, no great Democrat savior has materialized and none of the current candidates has galvanized the party enough to take over a substantial lead. Because of this, there will likely be a brokered convention, which will lead to pissed off Bernie voters and will also lead to a second term of President Trump.

Things are so bad that Democrats actually want to jump off a bridge [2]. They’re depressed. The poor guy in this article says, “The candidates don’t look like winners” and ends by saying, “and Donald Trump is going to be re-elected.”

Who would be the “chosen one” at the brokered convention is anyone’s guess. That’s a hard prediction to make because it’s unclear who is actually running the party at the moment – is it Obama, Clinton, the media or some other deep state swamp dweller?

It will certainly be an interesting five months until the Democratic National Convention in July.