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Buyer’s Remorse: Pelosi Claims Ripping SOTU Speech Wasn’t Pre-Meditated [VIDEO]

By Wayne Dupree | February 16, 2020

Call it a chance to get rid of her demons or try to wash her hands of blood, Rep. Nancy Pelosi now says she had no intention of ripping up Pres. Trump’s State Of The Union speech.

San Francisco Nancy claimed when she realized that she had a problem with every page of the speech, she had no other recourse. She also claims she’s a Catholic while supporting laws directly opposed to Catholic doctrine.

How would the Democrats feel if then-Speaker Paul Ryan had torn up Barack Obama’s state of the union speech as soon as he finished presenting it? Pelosi stated that she had no intention of tearing up the President’s speech until she read it since when has this woman read anything? She was the one that stated that they had to pass the Affordable Care Act, Obama Care, before reading it to find out what was in it.

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Speaking with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an excerpted portion of an interview set to air on Monday, Pelosi defended herself amid heavy criticism from Republicans for tearing up her copy of the speech after Trump finished his remarks on Feb. 4.

“I had no intention of doing that when we went to the State of the Union,” Pelosi said.

After reading through about a third of the speech, she said she thought, “this is terrible,” and “realized that almost every page had something in it that was objectionable.”

Pelosi said she was disappointed with the speech’s failure to mention any of the legislation House Democrats had passed, and “we had little press on it, and it seems that if you want to get press, you have to get attention, so I thought, well, let’s get attention on the fact that what he said here today was not true.” [USA Today]

If you have a chance to watch the ending again, you can see her positioning herself to rip up the speech many times, including making sure she would not have too many pages to rip. She also pre-riped the pages so that it would be easy. This was pre-planned, just like her not showing respect in the introduction of the president.

Yeah, Nancy. That must be why you looked and made sure the cameras were pointed in your direction before tearing up the document. Your act was planned out and staged, and you are lying now.

It sounds like Nancy is having some ‘buyers remorse’ over her actions. Whatever ‘rationale’ Pelosi is trying to spin this; the fact remains she is the FIRST speaker of the House to so publicly do something like this! There have been many SOTU speeches in the past – most ARE political. But EVERY speaker before Pelosi refrained from such a public display of their disdain for the president of the opposing party.

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Pelosi’s time is running out as the House Speaker. She has done nothing for this country since Pres. Trump won in 2016. All she cares about is making fake news against the best President we ever had in my time.

It was a political calculation that backfired on her. The best thing to do is give a total, and unequivocal mea culpa, Nancy.

Key take away — Pelosi will tear up the Constitution if she ever gets the chance. It is easy to see how bad things are in places where democrats hold a monopoly on representing. I am not taking chances of living in a safe-space community. I changed parties in 2008 and haven’t looked back since.

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This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [7] and is used by permission.

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