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Anti-Trump Arnold Schwarzenegger Praises and Thanks President Trump in Surprising Tweet

By Missy Crane | February 18, 2020

By now we all know that Arnold Schwarzenegger is no fan of President Trump.

The two men have often-times exchanged barbs online, with the former Cali governor coming off rather bitter and petty sounding.

However, all of that was put to rest as President Trump works hard to try and help solve the California homeless crisis.

Last week Schwarzenegger publicly thanked the president for his efforts to address the horrific homeless mess in California.

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During an event that was hosted by the University of Southern California last week called “Unhoused: Addressing Homelessness in California,” President Trump sent Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson to attend.

That caught Schwarzenegger’s attention and he took to social media to graciously thank President Trump for participating:

“Everyone knows [President Trump] & I have our disagreements,” tweeted the former California governor. “But I want to thank you for sending [Secretary Carson] to our homelessness summit. We’ll only solve this if everyone works together. This issue is bigger than all of us. Now it’s time for action.”

According to the Orange County Register, a recent poll in California showed that homelessness is the state’s number 1 issue above climate change or immigration.

Homelessness — not climate change or immigration — is the single biggest problem in California, according to about 1,000 likely voters surveyed by USC.

California, with more than 150,000 homeless people in need of housing, is home to about half the nation’s unsheltered population, according to 2019 statistics that showed the state’s homeless population grew by about 21,000 over the previous year. Los Angeles County has about 60,000 homeless people, with more than two-thirds living on the street. [Daily Wire [6]]

While the homeless crisis spins out of control in liberal-run states and cities, so-called leaders like Nancy Pelosi are spending their time and energy and resources pushing for sham impeachments and ripping up SOTUS speeches.

Imagine if Pelosi used that same energy to fix her filthy and hopeless district?


This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [7] and is used by permission.

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