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Why Was #CNNisTrash Trending On Twitter This Morning?

By David Kamioner | January 15, 2020

CNN is unapologetic about its liberal proclivities, which has garnered them much criticism. But most of that criticism has come from the conservative side.

Now the Left is joining in the fun, as CNN’s coverage of last night’s Dem debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa has prompted many on the port side to move the Twitter machine in the direction of #CNNisTrash.

Here’s one example of Sanderista rage at CNN:


Now we’ll ignore for the moment the fact that the socialist kiddies brigade had no problem when CNN was lying for them, or when CNN covers up Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) actual communist past, or when the network prefaces a question last night with claiming the president “tell lies.”

Nope, that is just dandy.

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But let them go after Sanders for the no female in 2020 line transgression this analyst thinks he committed and all hell breaks loose. Not to mention the arrogant off the cuff remark sounds so like Bernie, though granted he probably didn’t mean a woman can’t win the Oval Office at all.

He likely meant after Hillary a woman would have a harder time. Remember, he loathes the Hildebeast more than we do. And that’s saying something.

It’s about time CNN served up a ladle of gotcha soup to the Left, the kind of fare the GOP has had to endure at their hands for forty years.

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When it does do the leftists stoically deal with it? Do they fight back hard on CNN? Nahhhh, they take to Twitter and whine.

So for the first time in my career let me utter this…wait for it…CNN was right.

No doubt that is only a temporary situation and they will soon return to asking Bernie questions like, “The White House drapes, what color?”

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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