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[VIDEO] Kanye Rides Into Church Service on a Horse…and Then Promptly Falls Off

By Missy Crane | January 20, 2020

What was Kanye thinking riding a horse into a church event with loud music, dancing, and a big crowd?

That’s a recipe for disaster.

Animals don’t like loud noises and blaring music, for crying out loud.

It appears as if this was some kind of church play or “production” perhaps? I can’t imagine why else he’d ride in on a horse.

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Here’s what happened – Kanye was wearing a white robe in a white robe and had what appeared to be a crown on his head – he was led into the production or “stage area” at the front of the church atop a horse.

The poor animal was visibly upset by the noise and as the horse got closer to the dancers, it looked like it was struggling to get away – the poor animal was scared to death. At that point, the horse was so spooked that it caused Kanye to slip right off and fall to the ground.

You can watch the video below:

I’m a big stickler that we should always make sure that if animals are involved in anything that they’re well taken care of and not stressed.

That poor horse didn’t deserve to be scared like that.

Also, I hope Kanye is okay!

This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.

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