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The Serious & Somber Signing of Articles of Impeachment

Since the beginning of the impeachment inquiry of President Donald J. Trump, we have been told by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her Democratic Party allies that this would be a serious and somber investigation complete with bipartisan support.

The results couldn’t be further from the expectations.

Never mind when it was all said and done, not a single Republican voted in favor of the Articles of Impeachment – and even a few Democrats defected from Aye votes – but last week the nation watched as a smiling Nancy Pelosi signed the Articles of Impeachment and handed out pens to her colleagues as if she had just signed some sort of important piece of legislation.

It was a complete joke.

Far from the seriousness the occasion demanded, Pelosi could barely hide her giddiness signing the thinly factual and overtly partisan documents which made Trump only the third President in U.S. history having received the dubious distinction.

Afterward, Pelosi handed out the souvenir pens to those standing beside her who sat on the impeachment committees in the House of Representatives as well as the newly appointed impeachment managers heading to the Senate. The act of handing out pens is usually reserved for the signing of legislation by the President or state Governors and mostly coincides with either an individual or group of legislator’s personal achievements or if the legislation being signed itself is of particular importance.

Neither was the case here.

Even Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) noted on Twitter that, “Given the circus in the House, I’m surprised she didn’t use crayons.” It was a spot-on analysis of all that had transpired and a culmination of the charade which has taken place over the last several weeks.

The pens themselves, around 30 and priced at $15 each according to reports, were engraved with the Speaker’s own signature. The symbolism couldn’t be much clear: Speaker Pelosi thinks of herself as an Executive, signing off on an act meant to change the country for the better.

She certainly in no Executive and may want to check on polls regarding support of her actions.

According to fivethirtyeight.com, most of the country thinks President Trump should not be impeached and an even greater margin thinks he should not be removed from office. It’s characteristic of how Americans actually view impeachment and those numbers have only increased in the President’s favor as the process has dragged on.

This should concern Democrats as they head into the primaries to select their nominee to take on President Trump in November.
The Articles of Impeachment now go to the Senate for a trial in which Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has promised he and his Republican caucus will be in complete “coordination” with White House counsel. How that plays out remains to be seen but hopefully the circus act will end soon so Congress and President Trump can get back to governing without the sideshows.

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