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Report: Wisconsin Man Mixed Mom’s Ashes Into His Marijuana Stash Then “Smoked” Her

By Missy Crane | January 18, 2020

Is “Wisconsin Man” now trying to outdo “Florida Man?”

That’s what you’d think when you read this incredibly disturbing and creepy story.

According to reports a 26-year-old Waukesha County man was busted for selling weed and admitted to authorities that he mixed his dead mother’s ashes into his drugs and ingested them.

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This makes the “Bates Hotel” movie look like a Disney flick.

A drug task force executed a search warrant for his apartment on Jan. 10 and found glass pipes, MDMA, bongs and an “unknown powder,” according to the report.

Officers also found a large amount of gold and platinum stashed in a safe in the apartment.

When cops questioned Schroeder about the powder, he told investigators his mother had died in 2019 and she was cremated.

He told cops he mixed his mother’s ashes with a variety of substances, “some of which he ultimately ingested,” according to the report.

He was hit with a number of charges, including maintaining a drug trafficking place, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. [New York Post [2]]

I can’t imagine this would be how his poor mother would want to spend her afterlife…lining the inside of a bong with a bunch of marijuana residue.

This could be the first known case of a “haunted bong.”

In all seriousness, this man clearly has some severe mental disorder and should be treated for it.

Anyone who would do something like this is capable of a lot worse, in my opinion.

This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.

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