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Buttigieg Scorns Pro-Life Votes

By David Kamioner | January 28, 2020

At a Fox News town hall appearance on Sunday Democrat presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, IN, read out of his party anyone who supports the rights of the unborn and who disdains infanticide.

He instead hoped they could work together on other issues, he responded to a pro-life Democrat who queried him on the matter.

In other news, Herod the Great is polling second in the Iowa Democrat caucuses. Okay, probably not.

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The litmus test that won’t permit compromise on abortion is alive and well in the Democratic Party. The pro-life Democrat voter who asked him the question Sunday is having none of it.

Democrats for Life of America leader Kristen Day said on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, “But I would first of all say that when I asked him the question, I didn’t ask him where he stood on abortion. And the fact that he took that opportunity to double down and sort of alienate pro-life Democrats even further just showed me that he did not — he does not want our vote. And, you know, I’m willing to discuss platform language with, but…he could say that and reinforce that he is pro-choice and…let’s find ways that we can work together,” Day also said.

“The people will have to go to the polls and decide, but I know for sure a lot of Democrats did not go out and vote for Hillary Clinton because of her extreme stance on abortion,” Day concluded.

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This can be contrasted with President Trump’s enthusiastic reception at DC’s recent March for Life. As the excesses of the abortion industry and the financially mercenary attitude of Planned Parenthood is brought to light by groups like Project Veritas, Trump may be on to a subtle shift in the American psyche on abortion.

While it certainly would be a stretch to say a majority of the nation is anti-abortion, growing numbers cast a suspicious glance towards those who are not only “pro-choice,” but who seem to regard an abortion as something to be proud of or even gleeful about.

If that trends grows, Buttigieg may come to regret his virulent stance.

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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