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[VIDEO] Juan Williams Trashes Kanye’s Service to God as a ‘Marketing Gimmick’

By Missy Crane | November 20, 2019

Democrats are so angry and soulless nowadays, that they can’t even be happy that someone is out there spreading a positive message that’s helping people.

Instead of thanking Kanye West for traveling the states helping lost souls find their way, people like bitter Juan Willams are trashing him, claiming his service to God is a “marketing gimmick.”

“The Five” recently discussed Kanye West’s conversion to Christianity.

Greg Gutfeld argued that he believed Kanye’s conversion was genuine and from the heart – but Juan Williams, the unhappy liberal pundit doesn’t buy it.

Related: Kanye West: I’m Standing Up And Drawing A Line In The Sand; “I’m Here In Service To God” [1]

Williams said claims that he can’t “read Kaney’s mind” (Jesus is actually in his heart, Juan) he can read “marketing ploys.”

Juan then went on to say that West was simply trying to open himself up to a new market.

The real reason people like Juan are pushing back so hard on Kanye and working to discredit him is that his message to people is, “Free yourself and get off the Democrat plantation.”

Let’s face it, the Democrat Party is not the party of Christianity. Quite the opposite – they seem to hate Christianity and everything we stand for.

And as the left moves farther and farther away from traditional moral values it only stands to reason that someone like Juan would trash a man who is trying to bring disenfranchised Democrat Christians into the party who does accept and celebrates Christianity – Republicans.

You can watch the video below:


This piece originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.

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