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Trump Curse: Uber Liberal Ice Cream Company ‘Ben and Jerry’s’ Being Sued For Marketing Fraud

By Missy Crane | November 29, 2019

I love it when sanctimonious progressives get busted lying and doing low-down dirty things that they accuse others of doing.

That’s precisely what’s happening to the uber liberal ice cream company “Ben and Jerry’s.”

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The progressive creamery is being sued for marketing fraud for claiming that their  ice cream is made with milk and cream from Vermont dairies participating in the “Caring Dairy.”

Apparently that’s not true.

In actuality, the cream is from some mass-produced factory, not “lovingly” coaxed out of “happy Vermont cows” as they claim.

ames Ehlers, an environmental advocate and former gubernatorial candidate, claims that Unilever – Ben & Jerry’s parent company – is profiting off of false advertising. Specifically, his lawsuit alleges that the claim of the ice cream being made with milk and cream from Vermont dairies participating in the “Caring Dairy” program is misleading.

According to the Ben & Jerry’s website, the program is said to work toward a “sustainable future for dairy.”

Caring Dairy offers our farmers a program for evaluating, implementing and continuously improving sustainable agricultural practices on their farms. Our belief is that the future of dairy farming is to build soil health that includes increased cover crops, alternative tilling practices, rotational crops and grazing techniques.  We also believe that high quality animal care is fundamental to the success of a farm, a well-cared for cow will produce a higher quality milk.  And of course the importance of labor that supports the entire farm, from the farmer to the farmworker.
Ehlers’ complaint asserts that a minimal amount of the dairy used in the famous ice cream is actually from the “Caring Dairy” cows.

“The remaining milk and cream originates from factory-style, mass-production dairy operations, exactly what consumers who choose Ben & Jerry’s products would like to avoid,” reads the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Burlington. [Bizpacreview [2]]

This piece originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [3] and is used by permission.

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