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Conservatives Respond to ACLU Tweet Stating ‘Men Can Get Periods and Have Babies’

By Missy Crane | November 20, 2019

Are you old enough to remember when the ACLU was a respectable organization that fought for American rights?

I know it seems like a million years ago, but they did have a good reputation at one point.

However, that’s all changed now.

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The ACLU has become a SuperPac for the progressive movement. If you look at their Twitter feed it reads like a badly written politically correct after school special.

Things really got hair on Tuesday, when the ACLU jumped into the “men get periods and have babies” argument on #InternationalMensDay [2].

The ACLU wrote: “There’s no one way to be a man. Men who get their periods are men. Men who get pregnant and give birth are men. Trans and non-binary men belong. #InternationalMensDay [2]

The “men can get periods” and “men can get pregnant” arguments have picked up steam since the trans movement has become more popular.

Last month we reported on “Thinx” the feminine hygiene product company that launched a national ad campaign that showed a world where men get periods.

You can watch that ad below:


The ACLU is arguing that people born as biological women who identify as men can continue having periods and babies.

However, most people would argue that those are called “women.”

Conservatives took to Twitter where they lambasted the ACLU for pushing this mentally insane nonsense.

“Can you please tell me where the mans uterus is that carries the baby? I didn’t learn that in one of my medical college classes.”

“You people are insane. Yes there is but one way to be a man. And that is by being a man. Being born with man parts and being masculine.”

“This is anti-science, period.”

“You okay?”

“Just as the Founders wanted”

“This troll page is awesome. Laughed so hard I got my period.”


“The ACLU has become a joke.”


“The exact moment science was abandoned by a decadent culture bored beyond its wits, slowly descending into madness and Lovecraft-esque vestigiality worship.”

““Men who get periods” Have prostate cancer and should get it checked immediately.”

“Stop trying to hijack a day that’s supposed to recognize men, their achievements, their struggles and all the good they put out into the world. Give the PC bullshit a rest, thanks.”


This piece originally appeared in WayneDupree.com [18] and is used by permission.

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